Avtex takes data security seriously. Our aim is to ensure all of our apps, products and websites are safe for all our customers and anyone who engages with us. To demonstrate we take data safety seriously we have provided some more detail to help you understand the tasks we undertake.
Avtex’s responsible vulnerability disclosure policy
Our products will be provided with security updates to fix verified vulnerabilities in our products for a minimum period indicated in the [ product page ] of each product. This is usually for a minimum of 2 years from when the product is first placed on the market (offered for sale). Any Avtex customer or other interested party can notify us if they think a vulnerability has been identified. Please use the [ form ] to notify us. Your help is appreciated in this regard. We respectfully request that any vulnerability is identified and notified to us and no data is accessed or modified in order to best protect the integrity of our products, apps and websites.
If you have discovered a vulnerability or would like to report a potential security incident please use the form to provide:
• a detailed description of the issue
• an email address where we can contact you for more information
We will acknowledge your report within 7 days and update you periodically as appropriate.
Thank you for your support.